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Your support of our membership program will help sustain our work


Over two years ago, we dreamed about what it would take to revive independent journalism in our community — story-telling that could help rebuild public trust in local news reporting and empower an informed community to help solve our shared problems.  

Since that time, with your support we’ve been able to expand the scope of our work. Now, through our CityView Today daily newsletter, we provide more than 35,000 residents government accountability reporting and other timely and relevant news stories. Most importantly, our newsletter and our website provide access to that essential content at no charge. The result is totally free delivery of reporting that keeps you and your neighbors informed — and to continue showcasing other stories worth being told.

The access is free, but that honest, unbiased and unflinching journalism is expensive to produce. Our newsroom, which has doubled in size in the last few months, is funded primarily from advertising in our CityView magazine, donations from key supporters of the CityView News Fund and a small stream of digital advertising revenue.

As we expand our reporting capacity, we’re launching a new membership program which allows devoted readers who care about good journalism in Cumberland County to join in our mission and help ensure continued growth in news coverage with critical financial support.

Depending on your level of support, your CityView Today membership provides:

  • members-only updates from our team designed to give you insights into the news and to our reporting processes.

  • a subscription to our award-winning CityView magazine

  • a subscription to content from the statewide news magazine The Assembly, our new CityView collaborative partner

  • exclusive community event invites and ticket giveaway opportunities 

  • participation in virtual meetings with editors and reporters

Your membership helps keep you informed and helps keep our reporting and information free for every resident of Fayetteville and Cumberland County.

We encourage you to join today.

cityview news membership